Friday, April 1, 2011

Weather permitting

Inundated with emails and text messages from concerned parents today. Wanting to know if practice is on tonight. Why wouldn’t it be on? Oh, of course, the slightly inclement weather forecast. All it takes is the first sign of sleet and freezing temperatures for these mothers and fathers to want to wrap the children in cotton wool and keep them indoors. This is why America will never win the World Cup.

Figuring something has to be done if we are going to produce tougher children, I email all parents reminding them practice will go ahead no matter what the conditions this evening. I don’t care if they all turn up wearing fleece jackets and ski masks. This will separate the ten year olds from the boys. Also resolve to send a copy of “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” to every player’s home once wife lifts block on our credit card.

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