Sunday, May 22, 2011

God is not great

Sitting in front of the computer screen this morning, staring at the revised league standings and lamenting our loss of top spot. Still trying to come to terms with the injustice of yesterday’s game. Enter wife showing no regard at all for my suffering.

‘Are you ready for church?’ she asks.

‘Do I look like I’m ready?’ I snap.

‘Well we are leaving now whether you like it or not,' she declares in that bossy voice she’s perfected over years of marriage.

‘I’m not going,’ I say with all the defiance of a man now no longer in charge of the league-leading team.

‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

‘I’m not going and that's it.’

‘Why not?’ she asks, now resorting to her schoolmarm tone.

‘I don’t believe in God anymore. Any deity who allows a decision like that to go against my team yesterday isn’t worthy of my worship.’

‘You are so over the top,’ she says, yet again failing to feel my pain. ‘It’s only a game.’

‘If it’s only a game, why would a higher power want to inflict that sort of suffering on somebody for no good reason? What did I ever do to deserve this type of treatment from the man upstairs?’

‘You are losing your mind!’ she shouts.

‘You’d be losing your mind too if you were sat here trying to figure out whether God even exists anymore.’

She slams the front door on her way out and I shake my head in despair. Sometimes, her lack of empathy  is just stunning.

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