Monday, May 23, 2011

Don't try-out this at home

Usual Monday morning craziness at work. Boss roaring at people. Files piling up on my desk. I do the only thing a sane man can do and start working on the flyer I must distribute advertising the forthcoming try-outs for my team for next fall. Some coaches like to draw in big numbers to these events. I prefer to make sure they understand my philosophy from the outset.


We want soccer players. We do not want kids who wish to play soccer and other sports simultaneously. If a child doesn’t know which game he wants to concentrate on at this age (they already 10 and 11!), we aren’t interested in him. We also do not want parents who interfere/who once played intra-mural in college/who read magazines with articles about European coaching methods.

Our team is focused on teaching players the most vital skill of all – winning. Once they master this hugely under-appreciated and often-neglected skill, they will learn plenty about the game. They will not be exposed to fashionable yet ridiculous concepts such as ensuring every kid touches the ball a couple of hundred times during every practice.

Also, please note we conduct our try-outs the same way as we run the team, always looking to separate the weak from the strong. Some kids will go home in tears. Tears of their own making! There will be no soft-soaping. There will be no excessive praising of merely competent play. There will be no attempt to teach life lessons other than losing sucks and mediocrity will not be tolerated!!

We have limited spaces available so no time-wasters please. Remember, on our travel team, it’s about the winning, not the taking part.

That just about sums it up. Should at least ensure only serious kids apply.

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