Sunday, May 8, 2011

In the name of the fathers

I can’t believe the people who run our league. They are the most insensitive bunch. This morning I get an email telling me that the cup finals are going to take place on Father’s Day, June 19th. ‘We  hope the occasion will prove the perfect Father’s Day outing for children and their parents!’ says the league president. Yeah, what about the coaches? Way to deflect attention away from the coaches who, in case anybody is forgetting, are the ones that got these teams to the finals.

‘We recommend families get to the venue early and turn it into the perfect celebration of what Father’s Day is all about!’continues the email. Can you believe this? I work for months to get this team through the qualifying rounds and into the final and this is my reward. I now have to stand back and see the players’ fathers get all the attention on what should be the biggest day of our season. I mean, what have the fathers ever done for these players?

As wife shouts at me to take off my club polo shirt before going to church, I dash off an email to the league president.

‘Thanks for ruining cup finals day by having it on Father’s Day? You couldn’t have used any other Sunday in June. This shows yet again the contempt you people have for the coaches who, in case you haven’t noticed, are the most important people in the league!!!!! Why not have finals on a Sunday you declare “Coaches Day” to honor our work?????’

I’m so happy with this idea, and so confident I’ve given the authorities something to think about with my extra question marks for emphasis that I even put on a button-down shirt to please wife.

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