Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gratitude not included

A few of my coaching colleagues do everything they can to keep the parents sweet. I prefer to keep them at a distance and to remind them regularly who’s in charge.  Witness the following email exchange that took place this morning.

Parent: Jimmy was very upset when he found out what deplorable means. I think that was a very harsh word to describe his performance at practice.

Me: You only think that because you didn’t see just how bad he was.

Parent: That’s as may be but could you please be a little more constructive in your criticism?

Me: Could you please ensure Jimmy plays better?

You will have noticed the complete lack of gratitude for what I’m trying to do here. Not a word of thanks for how I’m trying to help her son develop as a player while also improving his (obviously) limited vocabulary. I can’t believe the nerve of some of these people.

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