Wednesday, April 6, 2011

These cleats were made for coaching

Some days you just know your luck is in. As wife rushes out the door this morning, she leaves her credit card behind on the counter in the kitchen. Can’t believe my good fortune.  Another amateur mistake on her behalf. Capitalizing on the error, I go straight onto the computer and order a pair of Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly cleats. I’ve wanted these since one of the rich kids on my team got them for his 10th birthday the other week. Spoilt brat. I swear they make him run faster.

I opt for the black and orange edition. A stylish snip at just under $250, including extra for rush delivery. Site guarantees they’ll be here by Saturday morning so I will look the part at our next game. If you look good you feel good and all that. Of course, I spend so long surfing the net, ogling the various colors and styles available, I end up late for work. Still, it’ll be worth getting in trouble with the boss when these big boys arrive later in the week.

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