Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The message board mambo

Busy day at work today. Get the tech guy to temporarily take down the firewall on my computer so I can spend my lunch break on our league message board. I’m sure every coach does this. Me, I’ve got three separate email accounts so I can log on under false names and cause some havoc. You know the type of thing.

Wonder aloud about the validity of the birth certificate of the best player on the team we are playing on Saturday. Or allege the same team benefits from partial refereeing that allows them away with dirty play. Sometimes I even question how much their coach is getting paid for his services. In my book about travel team coaching, this will be in the chapter titled ‘Black Ops – Using Modern Technology to Gain a Competitive Advantage.’

So while my colleagues head off to Applebees, I’m chained to my desk, making the boss think I’m working that bit harder and affording me the opportunity to undermine our opponents this week. Using my favorite alias, ‘concerned soccer mom’, I post the following comment.

‘Is it true that the coach of _______ is notorious for using ringers and if so why aren’t referees more rigorous when it comes to checking the IDs of his team? Just asking.’

Then I just sit back and wait for the message board Mujahideens to take the bait.

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